Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back to Business

I've made a decision. I think. Well, maybe. I definitely have perhaps made a decision. Or not. Depending.

Okay, enough. It seems to me that my posting has been literally all over the place, many of my best ones being on the now-defunct GAX Online site. So I have come to the conclusion that logic dictates posting in one place, and that would be... wait for it... here.

I know, I know. What a shock to all my reader, right? Well, so it goes. I may cut-and-paste to other sites, notably MMO Voices, but the actual posts will be written and posted here first, to keep some kind of chronology intact and keep a record of my work.

So, what's new?

Well, I've been to a total of three Fan Faire events for the lovely people at Sony Online Entertainment. The 2009 event, fun as it was, may be my last for some time. Finances and time constraints crowd in, as they have been with my gaming of late, and I'm not sure I can afford either the time or the expense.

Fan Faire, in case you don't already know, was an event originally designed for EverQuest, SOE's flagship product. In 2007 (my first year attending) it opened up to the entire suite of SOE games, including EverQuest II, Star Wars Galaxies, The Matrix Online (now gone), Vanguard: Saga of Heroes and others. Events for each of the games include panels, live-action events and award programs. It's all a great deal of fun, especially the opportunity to meet other players face to face. Especially for us Alaskan gamers, trust me -- that does not happen often.

So, what's next? Well, I think I've pretty much made it clear how I feel about Sony's games, so I won't beat a dead horse -- or at least, not much. There are a few reviews I want to get out about Free Realms and Star Wars Galaxies, so you'll hear at least some of that. Rather, I wanted to dip my toe into reviewing a few other games and none-game games (like Second Life sims) that are out there.

With that in mind, my first foray (and next post) brings us to the realms of Steampunk. We'll explore some of the so-called Steampunk sims in SL, as well as a few formal games of the same genre.

Thanks for reading!

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