Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The N Word

You know the one. You've said it. You're probably even thinking it right now.


There, it's out there. On the table. Whew, I feel better after saying it.

But, you know, what do we mean by that word? Wikipedia says, "A common variant is "n00b" or "noob", in many cases a negative term used , which will often refer to anyone whom the user wants to disparage, novice or not."

You know the root term, newbie. Meaning, of course, someone who is new or inexperienced. So, if we looked for a usable definition it might be, "someone less experienced than you, who is therefore somehow less worthy."

Normally, the etymology of stupid gamer leetspeak doesn't interest me. What does, though, is what it says about the community of gamers. On the one hand, the idea of such a thing isn't too shocking. Gamers are (surprise!) competitive. A game implies a winner. And a not-winner. But on the other hand, it's a game. A leisure activity.

Maybe it's just me, but I have to wonder which is sadder: someone new to a game, or someone who is so invested in it. From this point of view, being a noob is more of a badge of honor. But it goes deeper than that.

In most human relationships it is common for the more experienced party to assist the less experienced one. Whether parent-child relationship, master-apprentice or senior partner-junior, the arrangement is mutually beneficial. The senior member gets a skilled junior member to carry on the tradition and skills, and achieves a certain level of reputation for the effort and contribution to the community. The younger learns the skills to become a better contributor.

And, ultimately the community itself benefits. Where once it had one active participant, now it has two.

Now I should point out that I'm not referring to a game mechanic here, like EQ2's Mentoring system. I'm talking about interactions between people. A supportive community, not just in PvE play, but even more importantly in PvP, yields a better game experience for all. Unless your sole joy in life is pwning n00bs many levels below you with crap gear, you will materially benefit from having a more informed, better-trained and better-equipped foe.

And another benefit also comes to mind, too. One that all you n00b-pwners out there may not have considered: how many people leave games because of the rotten community? One that goes out of the way to make you feel inferior, to laugh at your inadequacy and to minimize your value as a player. The more people having a negative experience, the more new players will leave. When the community contracts it's a fair bet the game company is going to consider closing it down altogether.

The good news, of course, is that all games, even the most "hardcore", has players who do take others under their wing and offer aid and assistance. These are the real leaders of the community, from my own point of view. They provide advice and a "safe" entry into the game for newcomers, making their experiences positive ones. They shape the next generation of participants and encourage cooperation by their actions. In some small way, I like to think that they inspire better play.

As a closing note, I was going to write this post from the opposing viewpoint by explaining how "leetplay" benefits the community. I could find only one redeeming element, but it presupposes that your honest belief about gaming is that it is the digital equivalent to Lord of the Flies. If your honest belief is that the only reason you haven't done to me what I did to you is only that I thought of it first, then n00b-pwnage is a form of social Darwinism. You are doing the community a favor by destroying the weak, making room for the strong.

Of course, it all falls down when you realize that a) You are not stronger, since your character is made of pixels and numbers, not sinew and determination, b) by preying on one who is less powerful you are proving nothing at all, and (of course) c) that by punishing n00bs for playing "your game" you are by definition limiting the number of active players.

There are some games which do have systems designed to benefit both mentoring characters and those who are new by rewarding collaboration. Perhaps when the time permits I'll detail some of these, with the benefits and drawbacks. Until that time, however...

Thanks for reading.

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